"I have another mate and he is in your hidden kingdom."
Lothaire had to take a moment to understand what she said. Another mate? That was impossible? He had never heard or seen someone having two mates at the same time.
"That is not possible." He spoke with clenched teeth.
She didn't respond to that, since it wasn't a question.
"What else did he tell you?" He asked.
"He said to find my mate. He would help me get back home."
Lothaire threw his head back and laughed hysterically. She had another mate, and she expected him to save her. How naive. This whole thing was ridiculous. None of it was true.
"Did you find him?"
"Are you looking for him?" He asked.
He became furious. So she believed whatever Zamiel told her. And how would Zamiel know such a thing? It was probably a lie to anger him.
But… what if it was the truth? After all, he was the devil, and this could be yet another punishment for him. He wouldn't be surprised.
He released her from his spell, and when she woke up from her trance, she slapped him across the face. She didn't look angry. It was almost as if she had already decided that if he compelled her, she would slap him.
Lothaire had expected a slap or some harsh words. But he had preferred the slap until now. Strangely, the slap and the disgusted look on her face made him feel a sting in his heart.
Why was he hurt when he already expected it to happen? She had slapped him before, and it had never bothered him. In fact, he found joy in it. There was something about aggressiveness in people that he liked. Normally he would have given her a polite smile to ensure her that her slap didn't hurt him in any way.
Irene pushed past him and left him standing in the hall alone. What was this feeling? In a short moment, he went through so many emotions that it left him feeling overwhelmed.
His heart felt heavy while his mind got imploded with so many questions. Another mate? In his own kingdom? If it was true, then that would be a good way to mock him and he wouldn't let that happen. He had to treat this as if it was true, even though he believed it was a lie. If she had another mate, then that demon would be dead soon.
His hands fisted at the sides of his body and his face grew hot just thinking of the possibility of Irene having another mate. He imagined killing her mate in front of her eyes so she would wish she never found him. But then her disgusted face appeared in his mind, and his heart felt strange again.
What was this? He didn't like it at all.
How could he get rid of the effects of the possession because this was bothering him more than he expected.
If only Heaven would get his personality traits, but she was the victim. He was the one who took away someone's free will and now he was paying for it. He knew he would have to face consequences, but he wasn't ready for this.
He went to the throne hall. The anger was probably still visible on his face because Hezz frowned upon his arrival.
"Is something wrong?" She asked.
He was about to tell her to keep an eye on Irene all the time, but that would make her suspicious. "How is the progress with Heaven going?" He asked, trying his best to keep his voice calm.
"Tezz is taking care of her." She told him.
"And what are you doing?!" He snapped.
Hezz blinked a few times, her eyes widening. Lothaire took a deep breath. This wasn't going well.
"I want you to leave all of your other duties and take care of Heaven together with your sister." He told her.
Hezz nodded, but now she was truly concerned. "Did something else happen? I found that another ancient demon joined Zamiel."
"Yes. That is why I need you to focus on Heaven. We don't know what they are planning."
His children had other reasons to worry. They weren't immortal like him, so he could understand their worry and fear.
"It will take time with Heaven. You know that." She reminded.
Lothaire pressed his lips together, feeling impatient. "I know. But you are the master of manipulation. You have taken care of the most righteous people. I believe in you." He told her.
Visiting Irene's dreams wasn't easy. There was some kind of seal between Lucifer's world and the real one, and getting through it was difficult. Tonight, after many tries, Zamiel finally managed to get into Irene's head and wake her up.
"Zamiel." She had been waiting for him.
He had set up a plan where he had involved her in a way he wasn't proud of. "Are you alright?" He asked her. Her dreams were always in dark places. It reflected the state of her mind.
She shook her head. "I ruined your plan. Lucifer compelled me, and I told him everything. I tried to make him feel bad so he wouldn't do it but he did it, anyway."
She felt terrible. "Don't worry. You ruined nothing. I lied to you." He told her, feeling bad. He knew Lucifer would compel her. "I am sorry."
She blinked a few times, looking confused, and then she put the pieced together. Her lips slowly curved into a smile. It wasn't the reaction he expected.
He expected her to be angry because he had lied to her. "Oh, I am glad. You are clever." She said, feeling relieved that everything was still going as planned.
"Was all of it a lie?" She then asked.
He nodded. She wasn't disappointed because she hadn't believed him to begin with. Having a second mate was something unheard of.
Irene frowned. She wondered what the purpose, or the plan was, if it was all a lie? That Zamiel couldn't tell her, because if his suspicion about her being the devil's weakness was true, he was afraid she would do something reckless.
"What exactly is your plan?" She asked him, but then changed her mind quickly. She threw her hands out in a stop gesture. "Or don't tell me. He might compel me again." She said.
Not knowing caused her to remain confused.
"I am trying to see if the possession is affecting him. He might start to care and that is why I sent you to be with other men." He explained.
It wasn't a complete lie. He did send her to find out Lucifer's reaction and right now, his reaction was what he had anticipated.
"I will visit you again soon. I want to know if you see any changes in his behavior." He told her.
She nodded.
"Do you think he might let us go?" She asked.
Zamiel wasn't sure. But no matter what, he would get them out of this place.
Their surroundings started to fade, and they were pulled apart by an invisible force. She was probably waking up, and he found himself back in his body.
Euphorion was looming over him where he lay. "Where were you?" He asked.
Zamiel sighed as he sat up. It was both annoying and entertaining to have Euphorion in his home. The demon was giving him no space.
Standing up, he walked away without replying. Usually he was polite to everyone, but having Euphorion around all the time made him lose his patience. He couldn't be polite every hour of the day. And even the night sometimes.
"Did you go to Heaven?" He called behind him.
Zamiel could tell that he found the whole name thing amusing. He went to the table where his Helen had served him tea. He sat down and put some honey in his tea to sweeten it. Zamiel wasn't a food person, but he liked to have his tea every day.
Euphorion couldn't understand how someone could drink something so hot, so he looked at him appalled every time he drank his tea. And now he was looking at him the same way.
Sitting on the couch, he stared with a serious expression. "Will you tell me anything about what you are planning?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Now that things were coming together slowly, Zamiel told him the whole plan. He needed to know Euphorions' thoughts and wanted him to be ready.
Euphorion was surprised by the plan, and the evil smile that crept to his face told him he liked it very much. "it is truly worth the wait." He smirked.
Zamiel spent the rest of his day as usual. He went to do his business and then he went to see Heaven's parents. Heaven didn't ask him to do it, but he knew she worried for them.
Hazel had come to see him the day after her daughter left. She wanted to know if there was anything she could do to help save Heaven. She somehow made him feel guilty for not telling her anything. She told him she believed he could save his mate.
Now every time he went to the castle he would go to see her, just to assure her he hadn't forgotten Heaven and that he was thinking of a plan. She would always ask him to stay for a while and they would talk about anything. Zamiel realized why Heaven was so protective of her mother. There was something very delicate about her.
And then at night he would go home. He hated that part. Being alone reminded him that Heaven was gone.
It was raining heavily tonight. When he came home, Euphorion asked him if he was in a bad mood.
"I am not the one causing the rain." He told him.
"Can you stop it? I need to sleep." He said.
Zamiel caused a loud thunder to rumble outside. "It could always get worse." He told him, giving him a deadly stare. "Have a good night."
He teleported to his room, getting out of his clothes, he went straight to bed. He needed some darkness, but as he was about to fall asleep, he felt someone wandering outside his home.
Because it was raining and storming, it was difficult to detect the scent. Zamiel got out of his bed and went to the window. He found Zarin standing in the rain. What was he doing here?

Zarin observed Heaven sitting in the garden and watching her surroundings. She sat for a long while and seemed to be deeply lost in thoughts. At first he thought she was waiting for someone, but now he realized she was just resting outside.
He didn't like the way things ended between them last time, so he went to her to make things right. When he neared, she turned to him.
"May I sit?" He asked, motioning toward the empty place beside her.
He sat down, and she went back to stare at the garden. "It is beautiful." She said almost sadly.
"It is." He agreed.
She sighed. Again, she sounded sad. "Yet it is nothing like the one back home."
Zarin looked around and strangely he agreed with her. Nothing in this entire place was like home. It lacked warmth. It felt empty.
"When we were younger, you know I hated being a princess. I blamed my parents and hated them sometimes." She smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. "Have you hated your parents sometimes?" She asked him.
Zarin smiled. "Yes." He did many times think he was born into the wrong family, especially when he started to grow up. He began to hate his father, whom he used to be close to.
When he was a child, he was just like his father. Calm, responsible and sensible, and Heaven used to be the rebellious one. Then suddenly they changed roles. That was when he distanced himself from his father.
"I felt like they never understood because they were adults. That is why I would come to you or Gina to talk instead." She continued.
That he could agree with as well. Maybe that is why he had distanced himself from his father the most. He would talk to his mother, his sister, his uncle Rasmus or Lucian, but his father would be the last option. Not only because of the age, but because his father was a full-demon. He would never understand his struggles.
Well, maybe also because his father was very honest with him. Something he used to like about him when he was a child, and now he missed it. His eyes stung for some odd reason. What was wrong with him?
"I remember complaining to Lydia once. I told her I hated my father. She laughed and told me that he was doing something right if I didn't love him all the time."
That sentiment struck a chord within him.
"I was a child and didn't understand what she meant until later. But even at that time, despite saying that I hated my parents, if I was separated from them I would be devastated." She said.
Just like he was at this moment. His thoughts surprised him. He was supposed to be happy now that he was finally free.
He stood up. "I need to go. There are things I need to take care of."
Heaven looked up at him with a frown and then nodded. "Alright."
Unable to look her in the eyes, he teleported to his room. With a sigh, he sat down on his bed. His heart felt heavy again. Everytime he managed to shut down his feelings, Heaven or her parents had to stir his emotions again. He was tired of feeling this way, so he tried to shut out those feelings, but this time he didn't have enough strength to do so. He kept dwelling on the things he wanted to forget so badly.
The rest of the day went by slowly. He went to complete his mission for the day. Since he came to this place, he had manipulated and deceived so many people into doing horrible things, that he wasn't surprised by his own actions anymore.
But it always made him feel disgusted with himself afterwards. He would either go home and bathe. Scrub himself hard as if it would erase his sins, but he would only end up tearing his skin.
Or he would comfort himself with his wealth and have many glamorous women attend to all his needs. He would drink, party until he couldn't remember or feel anything, and then he would go home.
He would go to his empty house where no one would be waiting for him. Where no one would ask him where he had been or with whom. Where no one would nag him to not stay outside late.
Now he had no one to even ask him how he was. Or just simply know by looking at him. He was only greeted by an empty house.
He would have never thought that he would miss the things he hated the most about his parents.
In his intoxicated state, he found himself outside his parents' home. It started to rain heavily, which he was thankful for. This way his father wouldn't be able to sense his presence. He kept a distance and watched from afar.
Through the window he could see the back of his father sitting in his study and writing something.
His father had been haunting him since the day he left. Every time he did something bad, one good thing his father taught him would come to mind and it would weigh on his heart. Now after committing so many sins he expected to stop recalling the good things he was taught, but it didn't happen. That was when he realized just how much time and effort his father put into raising him.
And now, it was all wasted.
Zarin had always thought that his father was unfair. That his father favored Gina and didn't treat them both the same way. Now he realized in order to treat them fairly he had to treat them differently because they had different wants and needs.
But realizing all of this now was useless.
This wasn't his home anymore, and these weren't his parents. They didn't deserve a child like him. He was grateful they had Gina.
He went to the window to his parents' room. There he saw his mother. She was folding clothes and as if sensing his presence; she turned to the window. Zarin's hearts skipped a beat. She couldn't have sensed him. She didn't have those abilities, and he was too far away.
With a frown, she walked toward the window and looked outside. Zarin peeked from behind a large tree. His mother looked around for a while and then, looking disappointed, she went back to fold the clothes.
Zarin watched her in silence. His heart slowly growing larger inside his chest until it felt like he was being suffocated.
"Zarin." His father was suddenly standing in the rain.
Zarin froze. Not making any movement while hiding behind the trees in the woods that was near his parents' home.
How was his father able to sense him? The rain was pouring down fiercely and the storm was forcefully whipping the branches on the trees back and forth.
His father shouldn't be able to hear or smell him.
"I know you are there." He said, his voice getting muffled by the sound of the storm and heavy raindrops.
"Son, I missed you." His father's eyes searched the woods. "Come home now." He pleaded.
Zarin shook his head, now tears streaming down his face. I can't, he thought to himself.
His father waited patiently and then started to speak to him in Persian. His father would only use his mother tongue when he was being very affectionate.
He was calling to him, asking him to come back home using endearing terms.
"I love you, son." He said in Persian.
Zarin put a hand on his mouth, muffling his cries. He shut his eyes and sobbed into his hand silently. His tears fell with the raindrops to the ground.
His father heard his cries, and his head moved to follow the sound. Their eyes met for a brief moment before Zarin teleported away in fear.
When he was alone, he cried out loudly to the sky and then fell to his knees. The rain poured over him but didn't wash away his pain. He sat there, somewhere in the woods, letting himself get soaked. He would be fine soon. He had to.
Why did he go to see his parents? He cursed himself for being stupid.
After a while he got up. He would go find a way to get rid of this pain. Drinking didn't help, but an angry ancient demon would do.
He had wanted to upset him, anyway. He might as well enjoy some beating while annoying him.
Zarin went to Zamiel's home. For some reason it seemed to rain more outside his house. Unsteadily, he walked up to his front door. It was late, but he didn't care. He knocked loudly.
Wait. Why was he knocking?
He should just barge inside. He took a few steps back and was about to run at the locked door when it opened by itself and he flew inside, falling flat on his stomach. He came face to face with a pair of black shoes.
Groaning, he pushed himself up to see who it was. Zamiel was looming over him, staring down at him with eyes gleaming in the dark.
The storm outside seemed to pick up and was followed by a loud thunder that caused the windows in the house to shake.
Zamiel stood still, blending with darkness of his surroundings. His eyes narrowed, "you seem to have a death wish." He said.
Zamiel looked down at Zarin, who was lying at his feet. He had already been in a bad mood. Even the skies responded to his emotions, and now this boy came to annoy him. He didn't think he would be anymore surprised by Zarin's actions, but this behavior baffled him.
Zarin got up on his feet, but he could barely stand. He reeked of alcohol and was soaked in rain. His eyes were red and swollen.
He had been crying.
While trying to balance his weight on his feet, he looked at him with a tilted head and smirked. "I am not here to die. I came here to beat you." He said pointing at him.
He really did have a death wish.
"And you think you can do that?" Zamiel crossed his arms behind his back. This boy could barely stand on his feet and he wanted to beat him?
Not even his father or grandfather would be fool enough to pick a fight with him this easily.
"You think I can't?" He asked in turn. "You underestimate me."
Wobbling, he walked around him in a circle, like a predator surrounding his prey. The whole thing was so silly that it wasn't even worth laughing about.
"Go home, Zarin!" He told him.
"Why? Are you scared?"
"Very much. You make me shiver." Zamiel said sarcastically.
Euphorion must have smitten him with his sarcasm and now he was standing upstairs, probably wondering what was going on.
"I have never feared you." Zarin spat.
"Only a fool would have no fear."
Zarin scoffed, still walking around him in circles. Zamiel knew why he was here. He was here to relieve his pain and guilt so he could go back to do what whatever bad deeds he had been doing. Again, he was only thinking of himself and causing problems.
"Is that why you fear poison?" He asked.
Zamiel frowned. Of course, Zarin knew this by now. He would do anything to find out his weaknesses.
"An ancient, powerful demon. Created with the power to destroy the world, yet you fear poison." He laughed at him.
Zamiel remained unprovoked despite being in a bad mood.
Now Zarin came to stand in front of him. "You think you are better than everyone else? You are just like every other demon. Prideful. You think you are better than me. That I am not even worth fighting."
"Just kill him so we can get some sleep." Euphorion spoke from upstairs.
Zarin didn't bother to look up. He kept his gaze fixated on Zamiel. Hate radiated from them. He was here to receive his pain but also unleash his hatred. He was not leaving unless he got to fight.
"Powerful demon, yet you couldn't protect your family. They died while you are still alive. Having all that power for nothing. Or did you maybe let them get killed on purpose?"
Zamiel stiffened. He knew that Zarin was full of hate, but this he never expected from him. Especially since he came crying because he felt as if he had lost his family. To use someone's family against them just to relieve his pain was repugnant.
With a look of disgust, Zamiel threw him outside his home with a wave of his hand. Zarin flew through the door and collided with a tree. He fell to the ground with a groan. Zamiel stepped outside to the rain while Zarin crawled and tried to get up on his feet. He wasn't giving up yet.
When he was standing, he looked at Zamiel. "I am not a weak demon anymore." He was referring to the death of his human side. "I am more powerful now."
Zamiel didn't know why he held back. Zarin crossed the line because he had let him several times before. This time he wouldn't. The boy needed to know when to stop.
Euphorion came out to the terrace to watch the fight.
Zarin roared like an animal, letting his claws and fangs come out before attacking Zamiel. Zamiel avoided his sloppy attempts easily, causing Zarin to become angrier than he was before.
"Everything is your fault!" He yelled as he was attacking him.
Zamiel avoided his punch and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall and glide backwards on the muddy ground. The next moment he stood over and stepped on his chest, suffocating him.
"This is how I felt when I lost my family. I would have done anything to be with them again. And you? Your family is alive. All you need to do is admit that you are wrong to be with them again. But you can't. You might have become more demon, but I still see a weak boy."
Zarin was burning with fury as he groaned in pain while trying to remove Zamiel's feet from his chest. "Does it hurt?" Zamiel asked. "Have you ever thought of the pain you caused others except for your own?"
When he couldn't remove Zamiel's feet, he teleported away and then attacked from behind. Zamiel moved out of his way and Zarin ended up falling again.
This time he got up, more determined than before. Small flames burned in his eyes and with a motion of his hand he set Zamiel on fire.
What a stupid thing to do. He was a smoke demon. No fire could hurt him.
Zamiel let his skin absorb the flames. "That is not how you burn a demon." He said and then caused lightening to strike him.
Zarin fell unconscious to the ground.
"No!" Euphorion called disappointed that the fight ended so soon but Zamiel had enough.
He left Zarin on the ground and walked into his home. Euphorion watched him curiously. "Are you going to let him live?" He asked, coming after him.
"I am tired. I am going to sleep." Zamiel said.
Zarin wasn't his responsibility. The boy had come to his home and started a fight. He owed him nothing. Yet as he went upstairs, something didn't feel right. Cursing himself, he turned around and went back outside.
Euphorion followed him with a questioning gaze.
Zamiel grabbed Zarin by the arm and teleported him inside.
Now Euphorion stared at him, confused. "So you are not only going to let him live but also care for him?" He raised a brow.
Zamiel sighed. He didn't know why he was doing this either. But he wasn't into the killing thing that came so easily for demons.
"If so, you could have at least beaten him severely. Make him vomit blood for a few days for the things he said about you and your family."
Zamiel realized that Euphorion was upset for him. He had called him a friend when introducing him to Zarin, but now he was acting as if he truly was his friend.
Zamiel had never had a male friend before. Ancients were never friends because of the competitiveness between them, and others in the lower rank never considered them friends because of the power dynamic.
Maybe he was reading into it too much and Euphorion was just angry with Zarin.
"I think this is enough." Zamiel said.
"Did you not read the boy's mind? He had no intention of stopping. What will you do if he wakes up and burns your house?"
Euphorion made him chuckle despite his bad mood. He was so dramatic.
"Don't tell me you are worried for my house?"
"I am worried for you being this…" He tried to find the right word. "Forgiving."
Zamiel was about to say something when he realized this demon was making him talk more than usual. "Good night." He said turning away from him. "Don't touch the boy."
When he was back in his room, he wondered what Zarin would do when he woke up? He was fond of his new powers so he could burn this house or maybe poison him in his sleep. Zamiel wouldn't be surprised anymore.