Episode 10
I smiled stretching my hand for a
shake. “Good morning. President
Stephen”I said with a smile. He
was not saying a word or reply to my greeting for a while. I withdrew my
hand and dipped it
into my pocket. “Good morning
sir”Debbie greeted him smiling.
He nodded his head smiling back
at her. “Good morning”he replied. “Meet my friend Mr john”Debbie
said pointing to me.
Her phone rang and she excused
herself to pick it.”person me”she
said and left. Immediately she left,
Stephen took a step closer to me. “Why are you here?”he asked. I laughed
at that question before I
gave him reply. “Why do you
think am here at my father’s
company? Oh have you forgotten
am the vice president of this company?”I asked looking at him. He
laughed out loud
although my reply was not
funny. “Oh I see. You chose to
stay here. Good. Am loving
this”he said smiling. “So. Let’s be good to each other from now on
president Stephen”I said
stretching my hand for a shake.
He shook my hand but with a
little squeeze. I looked at his face
and smiled. I released his hand. Just then, Debbie came back holding her
cell phone. “I’ll see
you later. I have to take care of
something”she said and left.
Stephen was staring at her as she
leaves. “Seems like you guys are close”he said looking at me. “Maybe you
can ask her directly”I
said with a smile. I left him and
went towards my office.
Stella’s POV I was walking around on the eleventh
floor, leaving Mr
handsome after he left to his
office. I disappeared and
reappeared at a floor I don’t
know. I walked slowly looking around as people walks to and fro the
company. I got to a place
and saw some beautiful ladies
dancing. On seeing them, I went
into the door looking at them as
they move. “Wow. I love that”I said moving my head to the beat. As I
continue looking at them
and moving my body, a memory
flashed to my head again.
Some girls were in group gossiping. The way they dressed showed
they just finished a
dance practice or were about
starting. I saw myself sitting
beside a girl. She has a long
fringe hair while I had a short black hair tied in a ponytail. The way both
of us were sitting, it
shows we could be sisters or best
I heard what those girls were
saying but I ignored them pretending I don’t. “She’s so full of
herself. I don’t
know why Debbie hang around
with her. She’s just acting like her
dog or should I say handbag?”a
girl said laughing. They all laughed out loud. “She’s not the only
better one
here. Why must she be the only
one all the time? We can perform
better too”another girl said.
I looked at the girl beside me and she smiled inserting one air peace into
my ear to stop me
from hearing those annoying
voices. I smiled back at her
nodding my head.
*reality* This memory was clear to me. The girl
sitting beside me looks so
familiar but the more I tried to
remember her, the more hard it is
to do so.
That means I was a dancer when I was still alive? But why are they
gossiping about me? Why do
they envy me?”I thought to
myself. I walked around in the
practice room looking at the girls
as they moved. “Jenny stop!”I heard the choreographer’s
voice and I
turned around looking at them.
“Ooh. Not again. Why’s she
getting it wrong again?”the
remaining girls started complaining looking at her badly. The
choreographer walked to a
girl. She’ll be the same age as I.
She has a brown skin which
made her look more beautiful.
But her expression was bad when the choreographer got to her. “This
is the sixth time you’ll
make the same mistake. If you do
it one more time, you’re out”she
said looking at her. “Am sorry
ma”she said in a weak tone. She went back to the front and they started
from a point. I was staring
at the girl as she moved. She
dance well but her moves were a
bit slow. When they got to a
stage, she made mistake again. “Oh why?”I said looking at her. “Jenny
out. Meet me after
practice”the choreographer said.
She walked slowly out of the line
and went to sit at the back of the
practice room a little far from them. I could see how some girls reacted
when she left. “Bad girls
everywhere”I said looking at
I walked to where the girl was
sitting. She took off the Snickers she was putting on and drank from a
bottle beside her. She
placed it down and looked up to
where I was standing. She has
this surprised and scared
expression when she looked up at me. She closed her eyes and started
reciting something. I was
confused at her reaction. “Hey!”I
called. She dipped her hand into
her pocket and brought out a
chain which looks like a rosary. She continue reciting it with her eyes
closed. I tried to touch her
but a force pushed me back. I
staggered back with a force
which almost land me on the
floor. She opened her eyes staring at me while
breathing heavily..
shake. “Good morning. President
Stephen”I said with a smile. He
was not saying a word or reply to my greeting for a while. I withdrew my
hand and dipped it
into my pocket. “Good morning
sir”Debbie greeted him smiling.
He nodded his head smiling back
at her. “Good morning”he replied. “Meet my friend Mr john”Debbie
said pointing to me.
Her phone rang and she excused
herself to pick it.”person me”she
said and left. Immediately she left,
Stephen took a step closer to me. “Why are you here?”he asked. I laughed
at that question before I
gave him reply. “Why do you
think am here at my father’s
company? Oh have you forgotten
am the vice president of this company?”I asked looking at him. He
laughed out loud
although my reply was not
funny. “Oh I see. You chose to
stay here. Good. Am loving
this”he said smiling. “So. Let’s be good to each other from now on
president Stephen”I said
stretching my hand for a shake.
He shook my hand but with a
little squeeze. I looked at his face
and smiled. I released his hand. Just then, Debbie came back holding her
cell phone. “I’ll see
you later. I have to take care of
something”she said and left.
Stephen was staring at her as she
leaves. “Seems like you guys are close”he said looking at me. “Maybe you
can ask her directly”I
said with a smile. I left him and
went towards my office.
Stella’s POV I was walking around on the eleventh
floor, leaving Mr
handsome after he left to his
office. I disappeared and
reappeared at a floor I don’t
know. I walked slowly looking around as people walks to and fro the
company. I got to a place
and saw some beautiful ladies
dancing. On seeing them, I went
into the door looking at them as
they move. “Wow. I love that”I said moving my head to the beat. As I
continue looking at them
and moving my body, a memory
flashed to my head again.
Some girls were in group gossiping. The way they dressed showed
they just finished a
dance practice or were about
starting. I saw myself sitting
beside a girl. She has a long
fringe hair while I had a short black hair tied in a ponytail. The way both
of us were sitting, it
shows we could be sisters or best
I heard what those girls were
saying but I ignored them pretending I don’t. “She’s so full of
herself. I don’t
know why Debbie hang around
with her. She’s just acting like her
dog or should I say handbag?”a
girl said laughing. They all laughed out loud. “She’s not the only
better one
here. Why must she be the only
one all the time? We can perform
better too”another girl said.
I looked at the girl beside me and she smiled inserting one air peace into
my ear to stop me
from hearing those annoying
voices. I smiled back at her
nodding my head.
*reality* This memory was clear to me. The girl
sitting beside me looks so
familiar but the more I tried to
remember her, the more hard it is
to do so.
That means I was a dancer when I was still alive? But why are they
gossiping about me? Why do
they envy me?”I thought to
myself. I walked around in the
practice room looking at the girls
as they moved. “Jenny stop!”I heard the choreographer’s
voice and I
turned around looking at them.
“Ooh. Not again. Why’s she
getting it wrong again?”the
remaining girls started complaining looking at her badly. The
choreographer walked to a
girl. She’ll be the same age as I.
She has a brown skin which
made her look more beautiful.
But her expression was bad when the choreographer got to her. “This
is the sixth time you’ll
make the same mistake. If you do
it one more time, you’re out”she
said looking at her. “Am sorry
ma”she said in a weak tone. She went back to the front and they started
from a point. I was staring
at the girl as she moved. She
dance well but her moves were a
bit slow. When they got to a
stage, she made mistake again. “Oh why?”I said looking at her. “Jenny
out. Meet me after
practice”the choreographer said.
She walked slowly out of the line
and went to sit at the back of the
practice room a little far from them. I could see how some girls reacted
when she left. “Bad girls
everywhere”I said looking at
I walked to where the girl was
sitting. She took off the Snickers she was putting on and drank from a
bottle beside her. She
placed it down and looked up to
where I was standing. She has
this surprised and scared
expression when she looked up at me. She closed her eyes and started
reciting something. I was
confused at her reaction. “Hey!”I
called. She dipped her hand into
her pocket and brought out a
chain which looks like a rosary. She continue reciting it with her eyes
closed. I tried to touch her
but a force pushed me back. I
staggered back with a force
which almost land me on the
floor. She opened her eyes staring at me while
breathing heavily..
Episode 11
John’s POV
I sat in my office playing game on
my phone. A lady walks in
holding some files in her hand.
She looks so hot and pretty. The skirt she was putting on was so
tight and a bit short showing her
fresh laps. She placed those files
on my table smiling at me In a
seductive manner. “Wow. You
look more handsome than I heard about you.”she said
Wow they already talked about
me on my first day at work. This
is so cool and interesting.”I
thought to myself smiling at her. “I was asked to bring this files to
you. Anyway my name is
Cassandra. Am the president’s
secretary nice meeting you”she
said smiling. “Wow what a lovely
name. Nice meeting you too”I said smiling. “I have to go for
now. I’ll see you later because I
have something to say to
you”she said.
“Oh really? Alright am here for
you. Cassandra.”I said smiling. She turned back and started
walking towards the door. Her
back side was a huge one. She
has a big Sexy a-s figure. As she
walks, her butt swayed right and
left to every step she took. My eyes were fixed on her butt as
they bounce like she’s tweaking.
She opened the door and walked
I swallowed hard when she left.
Before I know it, I was already standing on my feet. I wonder
how I got up from the seat. I sat
back on the chair picking my
phone from the desk.
“Cassandra. Wow you hit me at
the right point”I said smiling. :
Stella’s POV
When I balanced on my feet, I
was staring at her in confusion
wondering what just happened.
She was also staring at me holding the rosary in her hand. I
now understand what she just
did. I leant some human have
something to protect themselves
from evil ghosts and evil spirits. I
think she was reciting that because she saw me. She
thought am an evil spirit or trying
to harm her. I was moving closer
to her slowly”Jenny. I mean no
harm OK. Am not an evil person”I
said looking at her. “Leave me alone!”she screamed on top of
her voice which attracted the rest
attention to her. The music was
stopped as they were all staring
at her in confusion. “Jenny
what’s it?”the choreographer asked looking at her. “It’s
nothing ma”she replied in a
shaky voice. “Are you sure?”she
asked again to confirm. “Yes
ma.”she replied.”okay. Lower
your voice OK”she said and they continue. Jenny stood up from
where she was sitting and
headed out. I followed her and
found out she was heading to
the bathroom. When she got
there, she just went to the tap to wash her face. She looked into
the mirror and I guess she could
see me through the mirror
because I can’t see myself
through the mirror I could only
see her. She turned back facing me. “Jenny I mean no harm. I felt
bad about how the
choreographer sent you out
back there. I thought you could
not see me but I was wrong
about that. I mean you no harm.”I said looking at her. “Is
that it?”she said looking at me. I
was so happy she responded. I
think I made another human
friend so quick. “Yes. And am
happy you responded. I know some pretend they don’t see us
when they do. Am happy you
could respond to me so quick”I
said smiling. She smiled looking
at me. “Thanks for your concern.
This is not the first time of been kicked out of practice. I think this
is not my path but my mum
insisted I must be a dancer. She
wants me to be a celebrity just
like Debbie Annie, Suzy Mick and
many other successful celebrity out there. Isn’t that funny? I think
she’s too selfish. She only
thought of how she feel not
minding what her daughter
might feel about it. Although I
also love dancing but I think I can’t do any better than this. It
makes me want to give up every
time am trying to do better but
she will never allow that. So
funny “she said smiling. “Really?
That’s so bad. But I think your mother want the best for you.
You can also be better than those
celebrities in future just believe in
yourself. Believe you can do it.
Every successful human today
don’t give up on their dreams and ambitions they kept trying
and trying till they were able to
make it to their goals.
Jenny you can do better. Believe
in yourself and keep trying.”I
said looking at her. She nodded her head looking at
me. “You’re such a wonderful
person. Thanks for the
advise”she said smiling.
John’s POV It’s 6:45pm, I was already
preparing to leave the office. But
I think am missing something
when I was about leaving. “What
could I be missing? What’s it?”I
started thinking hard to remember. “Oh yes. The ghost
girl. Where could she be?”I said
looking around. I stopped for a
while feeling like a nuisance.
“Why am worried about a ghost?
It’s not like she doesn’t know how to make her way home.”I
said. I picked my car key from the
table and left the office heading
out of to the elevator. I walked
slowly hoping she’ll pop out to
my side as usual but she was not showing up. “What could be
happening?”I thought to myself
not feeling comfortable. I got to
the elevator and waited for it to
open. After a while, the elevator
opened. I looked at the person Inside and saw Debbie. I enter
and pressed a button to close it.
“Why are you leaving this late?
Does the person you’re here to
see delayed you?”she asked
looking at me. “Should I say that?”I asked smiling. “Are you
going home?”I asked her. “Yes. I
am.”she replied. “Would you
mind if I invite you for a drink?”I
asked looking at her. “Really?
That would be great. Am free for now”she replied smiling.
The elevator stopped when it got
to the last floor. We both walked
out heading to the compound.
Stella’s POV By 7:15pm, Jenny and I were
walking side by side on the
street. I said I wish to walk her
home and she was OK by that. I
already told her about how I live
my life as a ghost. I told her I was not able to remember how I died
too and she also told me about
when she started seeing ghosts.
We’re already close just like
Friends. I can see she’s a simple
minded person. She’s free spirited and has a soft mind. She
got shy when she’s with people
but feel free when she’s with me.
I wonder why she chose to act
that way.
“So, you mean you were also a dancer when you were still
alive?”she asked. “Yes. I could
remember that.”I replied. She
stopped all of a sudden and
started staring at me. “The more I
look at you. You looks so familiar to me. But I can’t remember if I
saw your face before. What’s
your name?”she asked looking
at me. “My name is Stella”I replied
looking at her. “I think am
wrong. You looks so familiar but I think that name doesn’t sound
familiar. Maybe I once saw you as
a ghost”she said thinking about
it. She continue walking while I
also walked beside her.
“I guess you were a good dancer when you were still human”she
said smiling. “Who knows.
Everything is gone now that am a
ghost. It’s useless”I said.
“If you were so good, you might
be of help to me someday.”she said smiling. “Huh. How can that
be?”I asked looking at her. “I
heard some ghosts could
possess a human body. You’ll just
have to do that for me during my
performance. That’ll be so perfect. I mean if I could be seen
by people dancing amazingly.
That’ll make my mum so happy.
And that would make me happy
myself”she said smiling. “Is that
possible?”I asked her. “I don’t know. I was just assuming”she
said. “I never possess a human
body before. I think that’s
impossible”I said looking at her.
“It might be and might not. My
grandma told me it’s possible. But I never believe in that.”she said
looking at me.
“Could it be true? If I could
possess human body, people
would be able to see me. I won’t
live a lonely life anymore. That would be so good. I think I might
also help her. But I think it’s
impossible”I thought to myself. “I
can do anything just to be a good
dancer. I want to impress my
mum on my next performance. She always felt disappointed but
this time, am trying my best to
make her happy. Our
performance is just four days to
go. I don’t want to be left out this
time too.”she said looking sad. I felt pity for her but there’s
nothing I can do about that.
Should I try possessing her
body?”I thought to myself
looking at her. But shook my
head to snap out of it. “Should I try it?”I thought again but
hesitated. She stopped and faced
me smiling. “Would you give it a
try?”she asked facing me. I was
so surprised she knows what
I’ve been thinking about. “Can you read my thoughts?”I
thought to myself looking at her.
“Yes I can. I know you wanted to
help. I know you’re not a bad
person, that was why I trust you
easily at the first place. I can read thoughts so I know what you’re
thinking.”she replied looking at
me. My jaw dropped in
amazement. “Do you really want
me to possess you?”I asked her.
“You can give it a try”she replied standing still. “I never done this
before but I prayed it worked”I
said looking at her. I closed my
eyes and moved closer to her
body. What I felt next was so
shocking to me.
I sat in my office playing game on
my phone. A lady walks in
holding some files in her hand.
She looks so hot and pretty. The skirt she was putting on was so
tight and a bit short showing her
fresh laps. She placed those files
on my table smiling at me In a
seductive manner. “Wow. You
look more handsome than I heard about you.”she said
Wow they already talked about
me on my first day at work. This
is so cool and interesting.”I
thought to myself smiling at her. “I was asked to bring this files to
you. Anyway my name is
Cassandra. Am the president’s
secretary nice meeting you”she
said smiling. “Wow what a lovely
name. Nice meeting you too”I said smiling. “I have to go for
now. I’ll see you later because I
have something to say to
you”she said.
“Oh really? Alright am here for
you. Cassandra.”I said smiling. She turned back and started
walking towards the door. Her
back side was a huge one. She
has a big Sexy a-s figure. As she
walks, her butt swayed right and
left to every step she took. My eyes were fixed on her butt as
they bounce like she’s tweaking.
She opened the door and walked
I swallowed hard when she left.
Before I know it, I was already standing on my feet. I wonder
how I got up from the seat. I sat
back on the chair picking my
phone from the desk.
“Cassandra. Wow you hit me at
the right point”I said smiling. :
Stella’s POV
When I balanced on my feet, I
was staring at her in confusion
wondering what just happened.
She was also staring at me holding the rosary in her hand. I
now understand what she just
did. I leant some human have
something to protect themselves
from evil ghosts and evil spirits. I
think she was reciting that because she saw me. She
thought am an evil spirit or trying
to harm her. I was moving closer
to her slowly”Jenny. I mean no
harm OK. Am not an evil person”I
said looking at her. “Leave me alone!”she screamed on top of
her voice which attracted the rest
attention to her. The music was
stopped as they were all staring
at her in confusion. “Jenny
what’s it?”the choreographer asked looking at her. “It’s
nothing ma”she replied in a
shaky voice. “Are you sure?”she
asked again to confirm. “Yes
ma.”she replied.”okay. Lower
your voice OK”she said and they continue. Jenny stood up from
where she was sitting and
headed out. I followed her and
found out she was heading to
the bathroom. When she got
there, she just went to the tap to wash her face. She looked into
the mirror and I guess she could
see me through the mirror
because I can’t see myself
through the mirror I could only
see her. She turned back facing me. “Jenny I mean no harm. I felt
bad about how the
choreographer sent you out
back there. I thought you could
not see me but I was wrong
about that. I mean you no harm.”I said looking at her. “Is
that it?”she said looking at me. I
was so happy she responded. I
think I made another human
friend so quick. “Yes. And am
happy you responded. I know some pretend they don’t see us
when they do. Am happy you
could respond to me so quick”I
said smiling. She smiled looking
at me. “Thanks for your concern.
This is not the first time of been kicked out of practice. I think this
is not my path but my mum
insisted I must be a dancer. She
wants me to be a celebrity just
like Debbie Annie, Suzy Mick and
many other successful celebrity out there. Isn’t that funny? I think
she’s too selfish. She only
thought of how she feel not
minding what her daughter
might feel about it. Although I
also love dancing but I think I can’t do any better than this. It
makes me want to give up every
time am trying to do better but
she will never allow that. So
funny “she said smiling. “Really?
That’s so bad. But I think your mother want the best for you.
You can also be better than those
celebrities in future just believe in
yourself. Believe you can do it.
Every successful human today
don’t give up on their dreams and ambitions they kept trying
and trying till they were able to
make it to their goals.
Jenny you can do better. Believe
in yourself and keep trying.”I
said looking at her. She nodded her head looking at
me. “You’re such a wonderful
person. Thanks for the
advise”she said smiling.
John’s POV It’s 6:45pm, I was already
preparing to leave the office. But
I think am missing something
when I was about leaving. “What
could I be missing? What’s it?”I
started thinking hard to remember. “Oh yes. The ghost
girl. Where could she be?”I said
looking around. I stopped for a
while feeling like a nuisance.
“Why am worried about a ghost?
It’s not like she doesn’t know how to make her way home.”I
said. I picked my car key from the
table and left the office heading
out of to the elevator. I walked
slowly hoping she’ll pop out to
my side as usual but she was not showing up. “What could be
happening?”I thought to myself
not feeling comfortable. I got to
the elevator and waited for it to
open. After a while, the elevator
opened. I looked at the person Inside and saw Debbie. I enter
and pressed a button to close it.
“Why are you leaving this late?
Does the person you’re here to
see delayed you?”she asked
looking at me. “Should I say that?”I asked smiling. “Are you
going home?”I asked her. “Yes. I
am.”she replied. “Would you
mind if I invite you for a drink?”I
asked looking at her. “Really?
That would be great. Am free for now”she replied smiling.
The elevator stopped when it got
to the last floor. We both walked
out heading to the compound.
Stella’s POV By 7:15pm, Jenny and I were
walking side by side on the
street. I said I wish to walk her
home and she was OK by that. I
already told her about how I live
my life as a ghost. I told her I was not able to remember how I died
too and she also told me about
when she started seeing ghosts.
We’re already close just like
Friends. I can see she’s a simple
minded person. She’s free spirited and has a soft mind. She
got shy when she’s with people
but feel free when she’s with me.
I wonder why she chose to act
that way.
“So, you mean you were also a dancer when you were still
alive?”she asked. “Yes. I could
remember that.”I replied. She
stopped all of a sudden and
started staring at me. “The more I
look at you. You looks so familiar to me. But I can’t remember if I
saw your face before. What’s
your name?”she asked looking
at me. “My name is Stella”I replied
looking at her. “I think am
wrong. You looks so familiar but I think that name doesn’t sound
familiar. Maybe I once saw you as
a ghost”she said thinking about
it. She continue walking while I
also walked beside her.
“I guess you were a good dancer when you were still human”she
said smiling. “Who knows.
Everything is gone now that am a
ghost. It’s useless”I said.
“If you were so good, you might
be of help to me someday.”she said smiling. “Huh. How can that
be?”I asked looking at her. “I
heard some ghosts could
possess a human body. You’ll just
have to do that for me during my
performance. That’ll be so perfect. I mean if I could be seen
by people dancing amazingly.
That’ll make my mum so happy.
And that would make me happy
myself”she said smiling. “Is that
possible?”I asked her. “I don’t know. I was just assuming”she
said. “I never possess a human
body before. I think that’s
impossible”I said looking at her.
“It might be and might not. My
grandma told me it’s possible. But I never believe in that.”she said
looking at me.
“Could it be true? If I could
possess human body, people
would be able to see me. I won’t
live a lonely life anymore. That would be so good. I think I might
also help her. But I think it’s
impossible”I thought to myself. “I
can do anything just to be a good
dancer. I want to impress my
mum on my next performance. She always felt disappointed but
this time, am trying my best to
make her happy. Our
performance is just four days to
go. I don’t want to be left out this
time too.”she said looking sad. I felt pity for her but there’s
nothing I can do about that.
Should I try possessing her
body?”I thought to myself
looking at her. But shook my
head to snap out of it. “Should I try it?”I thought again but
hesitated. She stopped and faced
me smiling. “Would you give it a
try?”she asked facing me. I was
so surprised she knows what
I’ve been thinking about. “Can you read my thoughts?”I
thought to myself looking at her.
“Yes I can. I know you wanted to
help. I know you’re not a bad
person, that was why I trust you
easily at the first place. I can read thoughts so I know what you’re
thinking.”she replied looking at
me. My jaw dropped in
amazement. “Do you really want
me to possess you?”I asked her.
“You can give it a try”she replied standing still. “I never done this
before but I prayed it worked”I
said looking at her. I closed my
eyes and moved closer to her
body. What I felt next was so
shocking to me.

Episode 12
I looked beside me but couldn’t
find her anymore. “Jenny!”I
called her name but the sound
coming from me was different.
“Am I possessing her body right now?”I said touching my face.
The temperature felt warm just as
a human body. I placed my hand
on my chest to feel the heartbeat.
To my surprise, it was beating. I
quickly ran to a car packed by the side. I looked at myself in the
mirror, I could see Jenny’s face in
the mirror. “Wow. It works. It
really works.”I said smiling. A
man was passing by, I moved to
his side smiling”can you see me?”I asked him. He looked at
me In confusion “what’s this
crazy girl talking about?”he said
and went his way.
I was so happy I could be seen
by people but I was sad all was fake. Am possessing another
person body.
I felt something vibrating inside
her pocket. I dipped my hand
inside and brought out her
phone. “Sweet mum”it was written on the screen. I was
staring at it not knowing what to
do. I was thinking if I could pick
it or not. But when I thought of
how she talked her mum, I think
she was worried about her. I answered it and placed it to my
ear. “Jenny. Why are you not
home yet?”she asked sounding
worried. I don’t know how to
reply her. What, should I say to
her? “A…am…on my… W..way home”I
said in a stammer voice. “OK dear.
Don’t be late OK?”she said and
ended the call. I brought down
the phone and put it back into
her pocket. “How should I get out of her?”I thought to myself. I
tried going out but it doesn’t
seem easy to do like the first first
time. I tried and tried but to no
avail. “What should I do now? I
think your mum is worried”I said feeling bad. I unlocked her
phone to check if I could find her
address. Luckily for me, I was
able to find it on her Facebook
timeline. I followed the address
there until I was able to get to her street. I don’t know which way to
go again so I started walking
slowly. I accidentally bumped
into someone. “Am sorry”I said
looking at the girl. “Oh Jenny.
Where are you heading to this late?”she asked looking at me. I
had no idea of who she is. I think
she might be one of her friend. I
was staring at her for a while like
a deaf and dumb. “Oh am
heading home”I replied smiling. “Really? So you mean that’s the
way home?”she asked looking at
“Oh it’s not this way”I said
looking at her. She was staring at
me awkwardly. “That’s your building over there. Why are you
acting wield?”she asked looking
at me. I started laughing on
hearing that. “Am I really acting
wield? I think I drank too much
that’s why”I said laughing. “Oh it seems so”she said looking at me.
I quickly walked towards the
gate she pointed to and opened
it. I walked towards the building
looking around the compound. It
looks like an average class home. Not too rich and not poor. I
walked to the door and pressed
the bell on it. “Welcome home
dear”a woman’s voice said. She
opened the door smiling. She’s so
pretty just like Jenny. She has a short blond hair and was putting
on a red fitted gown. I entered
and she closed the door behind
us. I walked down the passage
while she followed behind, few
seconds later, I was in the living room. “How was practice
today?”she asked smiling. “It
was good ma”I replied looking at
her. “Ma?”she repeated looking
at me. “I mean mum”I corrected
myself. “OK that’s good. Go and take a warm shower before
having your dinner. Since you
prefer doing that”she said. I
stood up not knowing which
way to go. “Where could her
room be?”I thought to myself looking around. “Let me check
She left the living room heading
somewhere. I quickly went to
one of the room and opened the
door. I looked inside and saw how it was set. One could tell it’s
her room. Because it was
decorated in pink and purple and
some celebrity poster on the wall.
I entered and walked around in
her room. I think she might caught on later. How should I
keep this on?
John’s POV
I sat in the living room expecting
the ghost girl, but she was no where to be found. After waiting
for some minutes, I went to my
room to sleep.
The following day..
Till I arrived at work, I couldn’t
found her anywhere near my house. When I got to the
company, I became more
worried about her. “Could
something bad had happen to
her?”I thought to myself.
As I was still thinking about her, a girl came to me smiling. She was
putting on a black T-shirt which
has blue stripes on it and a Jean
pant trouser. She braided her hair
into two tying the end with
colorful bonds. She got to me and was smiling. “Good morning Mr
handsome”she said smiling. “Mr
handsome?”I said looking at her.
That sounds familiar. “Sorry I
didn’t show up yesterday.
Something funny came up”she said. “Wait. Don’t tell me you….”I
stopped looking at her. She
moved closer to my ear. “It’s me
Stella. I possessed this pretty
girl’s body”she said in a whisper.
My eyes went wild on hearing that. “How could you? Why?”I
asked in surprise. She looked
around and looked back at me.
“I’ll tell you about it later. I need
to go for practice at the sixth
floor.”she said and left. “Wow I can’t believe she did that. This is
driving me crazy”I said looking at
Stephen’s POV
I was staring at john and the girl as they talk. The first time I saw
her, I was so shocked and
surprised. She’s so bold as
She could even possess a human
body? Impressive. “I can’t believe we could meet
again. Long time no see Suzy
Mick”i thought to myself looking
at her as she left.
find her anymore. “Jenny!”I
called her name but the sound
coming from me was different.
“Am I possessing her body right now?”I said touching my face.
The temperature felt warm just as
a human body. I placed my hand
on my chest to feel the heartbeat.
To my surprise, it was beating. I
quickly ran to a car packed by the side. I looked at myself in the
mirror, I could see Jenny’s face in
the mirror. “Wow. It works. It
really works.”I said smiling. A
man was passing by, I moved to
his side smiling”can you see me?”I asked him. He looked at
me In confusion “what’s this
crazy girl talking about?”he said
and went his way.
I was so happy I could be seen
by people but I was sad all was fake. Am possessing another
person body.
I felt something vibrating inside
her pocket. I dipped my hand
inside and brought out her
phone. “Sweet mum”it was written on the screen. I was
staring at it not knowing what to
do. I was thinking if I could pick
it or not. But when I thought of
how she talked her mum, I think
she was worried about her. I answered it and placed it to my
ear. “Jenny. Why are you not
home yet?”she asked sounding
worried. I don’t know how to
reply her. What, should I say to
her? “A…am…on my… W..way home”I
said in a stammer voice. “OK dear.
Don’t be late OK?”she said and
ended the call. I brought down
the phone and put it back into
her pocket. “How should I get out of her?”I thought to myself. I
tried going out but it doesn’t
seem easy to do like the first first
time. I tried and tried but to no
avail. “What should I do now? I
think your mum is worried”I said feeling bad. I unlocked her
phone to check if I could find her
address. Luckily for me, I was
able to find it on her Facebook
timeline. I followed the address
there until I was able to get to her street. I don’t know which way to
go again so I started walking
slowly. I accidentally bumped
into someone. “Am sorry”I said
looking at the girl. “Oh Jenny.
Where are you heading to this late?”she asked looking at me. I
had no idea of who she is. I think
she might be one of her friend. I
was staring at her for a while like
a deaf and dumb. “Oh am
heading home”I replied smiling. “Really? So you mean that’s the
way home?”she asked looking at
“Oh it’s not this way”I said
looking at her. She was staring at
me awkwardly. “That’s your building over there. Why are you
acting wield?”she asked looking
at me. I started laughing on
hearing that. “Am I really acting
wield? I think I drank too much
that’s why”I said laughing. “Oh it seems so”she said looking at me.
I quickly walked towards the
gate she pointed to and opened
it. I walked towards the building
looking around the compound. It
looks like an average class home. Not too rich and not poor. I
walked to the door and pressed
the bell on it. “Welcome home
dear”a woman’s voice said. She
opened the door smiling. She’s so
pretty just like Jenny. She has a short blond hair and was putting
on a red fitted gown. I entered
and she closed the door behind
us. I walked down the passage
while she followed behind, few
seconds later, I was in the living room. “How was practice
today?”she asked smiling. “It
was good ma”I replied looking at
her. “Ma?”she repeated looking
at me. “I mean mum”I corrected
myself. “OK that’s good. Go and take a warm shower before
having your dinner. Since you
prefer doing that”she said. I
stood up not knowing which
way to go. “Where could her
room be?”I thought to myself looking around. “Let me check
She left the living room heading
somewhere. I quickly went to
one of the room and opened the
door. I looked inside and saw how it was set. One could tell it’s
her room. Because it was
decorated in pink and purple and
some celebrity poster on the wall.
I entered and walked around in
her room. I think she might caught on later. How should I
keep this on?
John’s POV
I sat in the living room expecting
the ghost girl, but she was no where to be found. After waiting
for some minutes, I went to my
room to sleep.
The following day..
Till I arrived at work, I couldn’t
found her anywhere near my house. When I got to the
company, I became more
worried about her. “Could
something bad had happen to
her?”I thought to myself.
As I was still thinking about her, a girl came to me smiling. She was
putting on a black T-shirt which
has blue stripes on it and a Jean
pant trouser. She braided her hair
into two tying the end with
colorful bonds. She got to me and was smiling. “Good morning Mr
handsome”she said smiling. “Mr
handsome?”I said looking at her.
That sounds familiar. “Sorry I
didn’t show up yesterday.
Something funny came up”she said. “Wait. Don’t tell me you….”I
stopped looking at her. She
moved closer to my ear. “It’s me
Stella. I possessed this pretty
girl’s body”she said in a whisper.
My eyes went wild on hearing that. “How could you? Why?”I
asked in surprise. She looked
around and looked back at me.
“I’ll tell you about it later. I need
to go for practice at the sixth
floor.”she said and left. “Wow I can’t believe she did that. This is
driving me crazy”I said looking at
Stephen’s POV
I was staring at john and the girl as they talk. The first time I saw
her, I was so shocked and
surprised. She’s so bold as
She could even possess a human
body? Impressive. “I can’t believe we could meet
again. Long time no see Suzy
Mick”i thought to myself looking
at her as she left.
Do u think stephen will keep mute, for the ghost girl to expose him??
Do u think stephen will keep mute, for the ghost girl to expose him??